Saturday, September 27, 2008
Observations along Interstate 94
Friday, September 19, 2008
Life Without Power
This last week I have been witness to the effects of Hurricane Ike while in the state of Ohio. On sunday afternoon of this last week a powerful windstorm blew through the state at an unprecedented 80-90 mph. This destructive force uprooted trees, ripped vinyl siding off of homes, and stripped shingles off of roofs. One of the most profound things that this storm did was that it knocked the power out on almost half of the state of Ohio.
On Monday morning of this last week I desired a cup of coffee before I took on the day. The only problem is that there was no power because it had been knocked out by the windstorm. I knew immediately that this storm affected more than just the electricity in Columbus, but it affected the physche of everyone's mind. I went to McDonald's and waited in line for almost an hour for my cup of coffee. People had lost their patience and tempers immediately began to flare. I realized instantly how routine plays such a profound role in our mindset. Electricity affects so many obvious things in our lives, but the interesting thing is the unseen hidden things that we take for granted that electricity affects.
I am somewhat rambling today, because this has been an interesting week needless to say. Things are finally getting back to normal again as electricity is coming on one house at a time. I can't help but think of all that we take for granted when we live under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit as being the comforter. The amount of peace that we have when we live under the power of God's presence is easily taken for granted. When I even briefly consider trying to live without the power of God's presence I could never imagine what life would be like. God's presence affects every aspect of my life, from the way that I treat relationships, my work philosophy, my stewardship. The easiest way to describe life without His presence would be to live life by going through the motions. Their is a substance that His presence gives to life that makes life worth living! Today, encourage yourself to not take his Presence for granted, but appreciate what He allows us to experience!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Element's of a Christ Follower
I read a book by Jentezen Franklin on Fasting that truly inspired me in a forceful way. Whenever you can read a book on fasting that will inspire you it automatically becomes a treasure to hold on to. I want to share a simple thought out of the book which impacted me and add a few thoughts of my own to it.
In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus was speaking to his followers and unapologeticly began to list three things that he assumed every Christ follower would be doing.
1. Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms.... The first assumption that Jesus made was that his followers would be givers. There is nothing that I know that will release the power of God on something like giving. For the church to become what God wants them to be it is going to have to move into a dimension of releasing the resources that God has blessed us with. Notice who gave us the resources to begin with, God! If he has given them to us, then truly He can provide in times of need. I have heard a lot about the thought that possibly we are at a saturation point of giving in the church, but I do not believe that is true. I believe that people will give if they believe in the cause! Resources always follow vision, they do not precede it. Instead of focusing on saturation levels, lets focus on a greater vision! The assumption of Christ was that if you truly wanted to be a follower, you were going to be a giver! The call of God has always been to take up the cross and follow him. It is impossible to pick up a cross without first releasing things in your life! I have learned that the more I give, whether financially, or with my life, the greater the anointing that I walk in, for it becomes an issue of surrender.
2. Matthew 6:5 And when thou prayest... It was understood that those who followed Christ would understand the value of prayer. Prayer is the language of the soul. Prayer is nothing more than talking to God. How can we call ourselves followers of Him, without having a relationship with Him? How can we have a relationship with Him if we do not communicate with Him? We must be sensitive to the voice of the spirit if we are going to lead in the 21st century. The only way that the church will be viable in the world that we live in is if we are filled with spiritual potential and unction! We must be led by the Spirit. The way to be led by the Spirit is to spend time in His presence! When we spend time in His presence, His voice becomes very clear!
3. Mathew 6:16 Moreover, when ye fast.... Christ understood that there were certain things that could only be broken by the disicipline of fasting. Jesus exclaimed, This kind cometh out by much prayer and fasting! The disicpline of fasting is in many respects a lost art in our day and age. We live in such a consumeristic mentality that everything revolves around what we want and what makes us feel good. When we learn the discipline of fasting, we are acting out the prayer that John made when he said, more of you and less of me. Spiritual Authority flows through the discipline of fasting. The voice of God is much clearer when we have spent time fasting! Their are deeper dimensions that we can walk in when we learn to value those things that He valued!
Solomon spoke of the strength of a three fold cord not easily being broken. I believe when we couple the three elements that I have spoken of, giving, praying, and fasting, it will create a cord in the believer's life that will not easily be broken down. It will bind a church together that will make it a force that must be dealt with!