Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trusting Truth

The questions have been arising and building momentum. It is almost as if a wave of great magnitude is about to slam against the shore of the church. It would be naive to say that change is not prevalent in the church. In the midst of a turbulent world of shifting paradigms, it is incredible to realize that we can trust and place our belief in the Word of God. A scripture comes to mind when I think of this generational rising with all of the questions and all of the concern that is legitimate as well as irrelevant. The scripture says in Psalm100:5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. KJV It is very apparent to me that we can trust truth, for the word of God promises that truth will endure in every generation. That is why I can place my faith in the next generation..... my generation. I do not become concerned with my contemporaries because I believe that God is raising a generation that is uniquely equipped and prepared to reach their world. Are there some that have erred from the truth, absolutely. Are there some that have made mistakes, yes, but what generation has not had casualties. I trust truth and so therefore I realize that when people are placed in the crucible of life they will come through as pure gold! They will come through being the authentic people that God has called for them to be. When we can sit back and begin to dig through the questions that we have, we can trust that God's Truth will reveal itself! My generation desires open communication. My generation is not arrogant in thinking that they have all the answers, but they realize that culture has shifted and they passionately desire to allow truth to present itself to their generation. There is a cry for truth to be spoken and lived out effectively in this world! One of the most powerful things to note about the scriptures is that it effectively ministers to every age demographic, this happens simply because the Word of God is more than just pen on paper, but it is living and transformational! I believe my generation will effectively steer through the turbulent waters and find themselves in the greatest moments in the church's history! Dream! Cast Vision! Allow God to expand your imagination! Think God thoughts! Don't allow fear to hinder you and steal your God given dreams! Imagine what would have happened if the Apostle Paul would have allowed fear to rule his actions. He would have never left his Damascus road encounter to meet Ananias. He would have never gone to the Gentile world and opened up the door of new ministry possibilities! There were those that had problems with what Paul was doing with the Gentiles, but at the end of the day God proved himself strong. Before we cast judgement, lets remember to trust truth and realize that labels and assumptions cause more division than unity. The scriptures teach that we will know someone by their fruits! I choose to believe that the fruits of this generation will present Truth untainted to a generation that is longing for the truth to reveal itself to them.