Monday, July 21, 2008

Simple Math - We Need More Churches!

We left the state of New Hampshire this morning, and we arrived into the state of Connecticut. We are going to be basing out of the church in Waterbury Connecticut this week. We drove right through Hartford Connecticut on the way here, and I do have to say, my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw the beautiful skyline of this magnificent city. There are a few churches in Hartford, but I gaurantee they could use some more. There is such a hunger in me that wells us when I begin to think of the millions of people in our cities that are not being reached. There is a reason why McDonald's does not enter a city and build one mega McDonald's per city, but instead they choose to have numerous ones throughout a community. The more points of entrance there are, the better chance to reach people. I am not against large churches, because I believe Apostolic Churches should be the largest churches in a community, but I also believe that we have to become kingdom minded and begin to think about how effectively we are reaching our communities. What would happen if we could plant 100 churches per 1 million people. That would still leave us with having only 1 church per 10,000 people. The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few! If there has ever been a day to aggresively evangelize our world, it is today!

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