Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Yesterday while in the car on the long drive from St. Louis to Little Rock I watched as my 3 year old taught me a valuable lesson with his bobble head toy named wobble head. 8-) Reese kept dropping his toy and then he proceeded to try and discover unique ways to reach him to do it all over again. Little did he realize, but he was teaching a valuable lesson on innovation.

There is a statement that says, "Necessity is the mother of all invention." I believe this statement whole heartedly because there have been times in my life that I have discovered things out of necessity, but what I learned on our long trip yesterday in the car was something that I believe takes the step even a little further. If necessity is the mother of all invention, then I believe curiosity and desire are the creators of innovation.

What I have learned from my children, even though they do not know what they are doing sometimes, is that if they truly love something and desire to do something, it really will not matter what the stated rules are, they will find a way to do what they want to do. This immediately began to get my mind to wonder, at what age do we cease to lose our curiosity and desire and we align ourselves with the paradigm that is filled with reasons of why we can't? What would happen if we could stir our God given curiosity and pursue after our passions? What if the words, I can't, did not exist in our language. What innovations would spring up if we could open our minds and value creative ways to accomplish things. In doing this we could quite possibly change our realities through innovation.

I desire more than anything to never lose my curiosity. I hope I never become a part of the party that says that certain things can not be done. I hope I challenge myself to find innovative and creative ways to forge ahead into the 21st century that will spark momentum and passion into peoples lives to fulfill the purpose that God has for them.

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