Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I could go in detail about all of the thoughts surrounding the phrase, I AM, but while I was reading through the book of Romans for a study that I was doing, I noticed that the Apostle Paul made three very clear statements in Romans 2.

First, in Romans 2:14 Paul says, I am debtor... Then in vs. 15 he says, I am ready... Then in verse 16 he says, I am not ashamed. As we look at the progression of these three strong statements, it brings about a revelation of what Paul really was. When you make a statement of I AM, you are talking about your state of being, what you are, not what you would like to be in the future.

When Paul said, I am debtor, Paul was opening a window in his heart to expose the way that he felt about the grace of God! Because of the great price that Christ had paid for his salvation, he understood that he was in debt to all that he came in contact with!

Paul then says, I am ready! What a statement to make. Paul was ready, I guess we could say he was equipped. God has equipped each of us to make us ready! Some feel that they are never quite ready to do what God has called for them to do, but I love the faith of Paul, he was ready! Are you ready to do what God has called you to today? The Eagerness of Paul breeds faith and excitement into the believers heart!

Paul then says, I am not ashamed! Standing with Paul's eagerness was boldness. He understood that it is more important to please God than to please man! Luke tells us, do not fear them that can kill the body, but fear him who can kill body and soul! Paul had a revelation that was so rooted in God that shame was not even a consideration. What would you do for God today if you pushed through feelings of embarrassment and relied on the Holy Ghost to work through you? How would you change your behaviour if you were more focused on pleasing God than worrying about what others thought of You?

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