Over the last few weeks the world has been watching in awe as the Beijing Olympics are in full force. Every day that I get online to check my email, I find Olympic updates and it appears that there has been an obsession surrounding news on Michael Phelps and the US swim team. Michael Phelps has not only become an American icon, but he has also become an international olympic legend by now winning 16 olympic medals, 8 of those being at the Beijing Olympics. I was intrigued by the story of Michael Phelps because of the enormity of the task before him. It is so easy for us to focus on what was accomplished by Michael Phelps and praise him, but I guarantee that most of the world had never even heard his name until a few weeks ago. My mind began to think of the scripture in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 which says... Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be castaway. KJV
The lessons learned from the story of Michael Phelps can easily be compared to the church. Here are some observations that we must consider.
1. Michael Phelps has spent years of his life dedicated to training. Training is what prepared him for the race that would allow him to achieve his medals. Without the years of disciplined training Michael Phelps would have never acquired the prize. We must understand as a church that we do rely on God to bring increase, but we must dedicate ourselves in disciplined training to run the race that God has called us to. The scriptures admonish us to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Unfortunately many times we feel ill equipped to accomplish what God wants because we have never invested the time into disciplined training in the word and Spirit. The misunderstanding that we have is that the race made Michael Phelps a champion, but really all the race did was reveal the champion that all ready existed. I feel that there is a need for us to discipline ourselves to become students of the Word and the Spirit! The scriptures tell us that in the book of Acts when the church grew, the word grew! There are deeper dimensions that God is calling us to if we are to possess all that God has for us! God, help us not to miss out on what you have for us because of our lack of desire to discipline ourselves in your Word!
2.In order for Michael Phelps to achieve world records in medals he had to rely upon his teamates in the relay race. No matter how much training and discipline Michael had worked on there came a point when he had to simply wait and watch his team perform. The way that the relay race works is that each teammate is given one lap using the swim stroke that they are best at performing with the fastest time winning. The scriptures tell us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together. In the body of Christ we have to learn that God will function through His body! We are all given specific tasks in the body of Christ. We have to rely upon our brothers and sisters to fulfill their function in the body of Christ if we are going to function properly! The five fold ministry must be in operation if we are to see an apostolic move of the Holy Ghost! Our structure will determine our strength. If we allow the Church to be structured as God would have it, with each one relying on the other, it will strengthen us together! It is not all about our individual kingdoms, but it is upon building His Kingdom! God is not coming back for a church, but He is coming back for the church. We do ourselves a disservice when we dismiss functions in the body of Christ! Lord, help us restore apostolic structure!
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