In the story of Jonah we find a very insightful picture of where I believe the church could be living in this moment. As we set the stage we find that God has called a missionary to go into the city of Ninevah, Jonah 1:2 Arise,go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it.... We notice several things from the outset, first of all, it was God that called Jonah, it wasn't his desire to go. Secondly, we find that God called Ninevah a great city, I believe it is the will of God for us to not shirk away from our responsibility to evangelize our metropolitan areas, but God wants us to move with his calling into the underchurched areas of our world and forge an opportunity for everyone to have a chance to hear the gospel.
As we continue the story we find that Jonah flees from his calling, which is a pretty common thing that we find in the scriptures. Jonah didn't try to talk God out of the calling like Moses did though, instead he just ran away with all of his might. The scripture says in Jonah 1:4 But the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken. Notice that the scripture says that God was the one that sent the tempest into the sea. The sea represents the culture around us. The Culture that we constantly are dealing with is the sea that we have to navigate through as a christian. I believe God allowed this tempestuous storm to arise because of what happened in verse number 5. Jonah 1:5 says Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god.... but Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep. You will not find anyone more hardened by the cares of this world than a mariner. They represent the toughest of the tough. I believe that in this story the mariners represent the world and Jonah represents the church.
If my assumptions are correct then we find the story completely reversed! Jonah should be in the bottom of the ship crying and interceding before the Lord for the mariners life as they head through the boisterous sea, but we find the opposite is happening. The mariners began to cry unto their gods... politics, education, money..... because the culture around them was about to destroy them, and we find Jonah, or the church, fast asleep in the most critical hour that the church could be involved in.
You see, I believe that this unprecedented time that we are living in is a chance that God is giving the church to stand up and make a difference in this world! If their was ever a moment to live passionately for God, then today is that day! The stage has been set! God has called the church, God has allowed culture to place people in a place of hunger, the world is crying out for an answer! The scriptures promise that, Whosoever hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled! My friend, there is nothing that can stop the church, but the church themselves. We can allow the culture around us to rock us into a deep apathetic sleep, or we can allow the moment to invigorate us and stir us at the place of our calling as we forge ahead and realize that if God be for us, who can be against us! The World is Crying, Will The Church Awake?
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