Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I have been mesmerized by how many times we get stuck in bad thinking. I have discovered that many of us think that we will be judged by what we think and not by what we do. The old adage says, Actions speak louder than words and although I agree with that statement, I don't think it takes it far enough. I believe that words hold little weight at all in the eternal, rather action is the defining characteristic of us all. Many people get caught up in trying to define who they are, but really the legacy we leave will be based upon the actions that we take in this life. An interesting study on this thought is found in the book of James 2.
Every action that we take is speaking something. We can say a lot without opening our mouths or placing ink on a piece of paper. I pray that I will be slow to speak, but quick to act, for in so doing I display my faith. The true walk of faith is not to discuss how God is good, but to show how God is good. The true walk of faith is not to talk about how God gave, but to be one that gives out of the Love of God. The true walk of faith is not to live in fear of opinions and strap ourselves into a box, but live with the eternal in mind and actively pursue a life pleasing to God! I wonder how my day would change if I could not speak at all, but all I could do was act? What would people say about me if all they knew was what I did, not what I said I believe. A study in this would be to read the book of Acts, or the book of Actions. It is interesting to note that there was never a book written called the book of thoughts, simply because a good thought that is never placed into actions never changes culture!

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