Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is There A Cause?

There has been a flurry of political news that is streaming across all forms of media in a monumental election this year. Although politics is not my specialty, I do enjoy keeping up on current events that are happening in our country. I was listening to the speech that Hillary Clinton gave at the Democratic National Convention on tuesday night and I felt as though she did a wonderful job. It was a difficult speech to give, seeing that she rightfully deserved at best being the Democratic Pick for President and at worst the Vice Presidential Candidate, but she was not considered for either. She went to the podium and began to deliver her speech. The task at hand was to get those who had been loyal to her campaign for president to move beyond feelings of sorrow and hurt surrounding her standing and create a vision to get them to buy into Barack Obama for President.

Midway through Hillary's speech she began to speak directly to her voters by asking a question. That question was simply, "Do you believe in me as a person and idea or do you believe in the Democratic Cause?" This was a question that was trying to pierce through all of the fog into the issue at hand. Hillary was trying to get people to look beyond the past and move the Democratic Cause forward.

As I began to think of this speech my mind progressed immediately to the thought of personality as opposed to cause. Why do we do what we do in our local churches? Are we driven by personality, social status, agenda? or are we driven by the cause? David asked the question of those surrounding him, " Is there not a cause? Every organization is at best one generation away from becoming extinct. The question of sustainability within the marketplace is simply lifting the rally cry for the cause and nothing less. It is the cause that brings proper motivation to a movement.

Although God has called the church to be built around His personality, many times we become guilty of building our own kingdoms, feeling as though we are pursuing His kingdom. Leading a church by personality or agenda will result in factions within the body of Christ that can not have sustainable growth! Jesus told Peter, Upon this rock I will build my church. He was directly speaking to the foundation of the church, which is Christ. With a foundation that is solidly in place we must unashamadely pursue forward by clearly atriculating the cause of Christ!

Although polictics is it's own animal with a lot of differing opinions and views on issues I believe there is much that the church can learn. To successful lead a country, you must move beyond just having people buy into the candidate, but they must also believe in the cause. As a church, we must move beyond just getting people to buy into us as leaders, but we must frequently communicate the cause of Christ, because that is the revolution that Christ has called us to partake in.

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