Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Last Sunday

Today marked the end of an era, as well as the beginning of new things. We had service this morning one last time at New Life Church in Marietta. There were a host of emotions that whirled through my mind leading up to today. Their are mixtures of sadness, but also excitement about what God is doing in Marietta, as well as what God is doing in our ministry. The reality of the matter is that there are certain things in life that must come to an end if God is going to position us to begin a new season. We have a tendancy to hold on to things, and today was a massive step of faith as we officially resigned as the Pastors of New Life Church. New Life Church is a wonderful church and I am looking forward to hearing great things from this congregation as they are walking in to all that God has for them. They will now be under the capable Leadership of Bro. David Ward who I know will follow after the things of God.

We are wrapping up a few items of business in Marietta and moving our stuff to Cleveland tomorrow for it to be in storage for the time that we are traveling. Then on Wednesday I am preaching at the Ohio District Jr. High Youth Camp. We close on our house officially on Thursday morning. This next weekend I will be ministering in Athens, OH in the morning and then Mt. Vernon, OH Sunday night. Then on monday we are heading up to the state of Maine for deputational services. We appreciate all of the prayers and support that we feel on a continual basis, and we are believing that God will expedite our travel time so that we can get on location and fulfill what God has called us to do.

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